Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 23 ~ Three Gifts Begun

After living 55 years, anything I have done in the past two feels like I am still at the beginning...

Gift one:  In July 2010, I picked up the DSLR I had bought over a year prior and decided to delve into learning it.  Prior to this, I was using it just for point and shoot.  Shortly after I purchased it, my father was diagnosed with glioblastoma, dying six months' later.  Little did I know that July 2010, God would provide an amazing gift...the gift of photography...as a way to heal from my grief.  I've barely scratched the surface, having learned so much this past year taking some e-courses through Kim Klassen and meeting some fellow "kindred spirits" all over the world, not just into photography, but blogging...reflection....creative arts.  The more I learn, the more I see I have to learn...and my appetite is insatiable.  Thank you, God, for this gift and the ability to use this gift to give to others.
Gift two:  This June, on Father's Day...Edster and I began attending a new church...Maranatha Bible Church.  This gift has just begun...and every week we know more and more that this is where we are to be.
Gift three:  The gift of a pay increase that just began this last paycheck.
What are some gifts that you've discovered this week?


  1. One Gift is letting God lead me without a fight this time around. ( the Flu I have and still do. Six weeks or more and counting)I had so many test and all were perfect.:)

    Your gift of sharing . Your story is much like mine in why I picked up a camera in 2006. First a PS and then in 2007 my first Canon.

    Inner strength and courage that I didnt have two days ago.
    Your a Blessing

  2. I love your posts! They are always very inspiring in so many ways!

  3. You inspire and I'm thankful that I have online friends like you....


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