Saturday, March 16, 2013

Choose Life - The Battlefield of the Mind - Day 5

If you've been reading my blog for have read about our new addition to our family...Arthur! This 5-month old (today actually) started obedience school. What a trip! Arthur's not a small dog...he just has short legs. (SMILE)  That's true about all Pembroke Welsh Corgis!

That Face...

What I learned that first night is that it takes 42 days for a new habit to be developed...and it also depends on the breed. For humans it is 21 days. But for man or his best friend, it takes consistency, constant repetition, and practice-practice-practice.

When it comes to the thoughts that naturally come into our takes the developing of a habit to do otherwise. And, of course, it is the negative and blaming thoughts that slip right in. But we have a choice (I don't think if I were God that I would have been brave enough to give humans the capability to choose...I'm too insecure). However, we have been lavishly afforded the ability to choose. And with that power to choose, comes responsibility.

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him for he is your life.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20a

So we can choose to develop the habit of thoughts that are in line with God's character and what His word assures us...but part of that daily habit is reading His love letter to us on a regular basis...(and if you're REALLY serious, in addition to the above, you can add a rubberband to your wrist and smack it every time you are aware that you've just fell prey to your thoughts...laugh but this has been a technique used by therapists...)


And you part of loving my Arthur is training and socializing him. Part of loving him is ensuring that he follows me, so I can keep him safe...although as a herding dog, he is wired to drive and lead cattle and sheep. And so, what if, he leaves me a little gift on the carpet or occasionally doesn't respond when I say come (only looks at me with those big round black eyes)...he's learning, he's in training, he's maturing, he's growing...and none of that affects my deep love and commitment to him.

How much more does God love and embrace (there's my OLW) us?


  1. Denise, I LOVE the way you think and express yourself. We "met" somewhere in one of Kim's classes and I always look forward to your posts. Thank you for putting gratitude first and reminding me once again to do the same. Angela

  2. A great analogy, Denise.


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