Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Hardest Peace

This afternoon a dear young woman, a friend never met, Kara, went home to Jesus after a 2-1/2 year battle with breast cancer.

I find her death this afternoon quite profound tonight as tears have flowed over some serious symptoms with my grandson, Gabriel.  This friend, in her death, points me to Jesus.  Gabriel has an MRI tomorrow.

When everything becomes debased of value...and control is slipping like sand through your fingertips...Jesus can truly be seen.  All that glitter is not gold and when all the clamor desists, one Truth remains.  Jesus.  I used to sing this song often at church...

You have faced the mountains of desperation.  You have climbed, you have fought, you have won.  But this valley that lies coldly before you casts a shadow you cannot overcome,
Instead of asking why did it happen, think of where it can lead you from here. And as your pain is slowly easing, you can find a greater reason to live your life triumphant through the tears.
When answers aren't enough, there is Jesus.  He is more than just an answer to your prayer.  And your heart will find a safe and peaceful refuge.  When answers aren't enough, He is there.
Kara lived her life in knowing peace in the hardest places.  She fought for a soft heart, to be kind, and find God's goodness in suffering.

And as I do not know the answers to what is faced tomorrow...Jesus is there.

Please honor Kara Tippetts with me by watching this video...


  1. What a remarkable woman. Will keep your precious little grandson in prayer.

  2. I am off to pray for Gabriel right now Denise. Thank you for sharing this remarkable video. So young, so sad, and yet, we know she's at peace now.

  3. Thoughts are with you all today, there is always a plan...

  4. Denise, prayers for Gabriel's tests today. Kara's words are a gift to so many. I'm thankful that I got to know her through her blog. My heart breaks for her family and friends. That documentary is so beautiful...and so very real!

  5. Glad I waited til today to watch it...I admire her strength and courage and faith. I understand some of the grief the family must be feeling losing their mother so young but not on their level. My mother and my sister both died of cancer at ages 56 (mom) and 50. Their children were adults when they suffered and passed, but it was as if we were all still children losing our mothers :( I will be praying for her family and yours as you wait for God to do His will in your lives concerning Gabriel.


Every comment is read personally by me and is deeply appreciated!