Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday Finds - The Late Edition

Squeezing this in...linking up with Kim's Friday Finds!

A walk in the Springfield Bog yesterday awarded me handsomely.

This Northern Bobwhite is a rare sighting in northern Ohio...and when one is suspected, they can be very elusive!  They have a very distinct call, "Bob-bob-white!"  You can hear it here:

Unfortunately their numbers have drastically declined due to loss of habitat.  I'm so thankful that someone did not allow this bog to be developed and it was purchased by our metro park system.

I feel even more blessed to have had such amazing, close ups of this little gem and hearing it call back and forth to a female!


Friday, July 4, 2014

Celebrations and Fireworks ~ A Friday Finds

What a week!  We surely found a treasure!!!  Two hundred thirty-seven years ago today, our United States was born...

and my little Gabriel Joseph has not yet completed his third day of life.  He started July with bang at 5:30 p.m. at 6 lbs. 9 oz. and 18 inches long.

My third grandson...this never gets old.

And all seemed right with the world.

I have a unique perspective.  In some ways I know too much...working in a Children's hospital with babies in intensive care units.  My daughter was seen during the last four weeks of her pregnancy by a perinatal specialist physician with concern about his size and needing to rule out intrauterine growth restriction, which could have serious implications.

I know that every baby that survives outside its mother's womb is a miracle.  The intricate complexities that God has designed are a wonder!

And rediscovering that miracle in this brand new life brings exceeding joy beyond words.